quarta-feira, 22 de setembro de 2010

atividades de ingles

1. Assinale a alternativa certa.

(A). Who builds houses?

( ) the doctor

( ) the engineer

( ) the player

(B).who paints pictures?

( ) the cook

( ) the nurse

( ) the painter (artist)

(C). who lives on a farm?

() the singer

( ) the farmer

( ) the doctor

(D).who works in a factory?

( ) the worke

( ) the sailor

( ) the reporter

(E).wha plays football?

( ) the nurse

( ) the secretary

( ) the football player

(F).who works in a hospital?

( ) the farmer

( ) the singer

( ) the doctor and the nurse

2. Ligue os profissionais aos seus respectivos trabalhos:

The cook cuts hair.

The dentist cooks food.

The policeman treats our teeth.

The hairdresser teaches.

The teacher markes furniture.

The carpenter catches criminais.

3. Observe o exemplo e responda as perguntas.

Who catches criminais? (Policeman)

The policeman catches criminais.

(A). who treats our teeth? (Dentist)

(B).who works in an office? (Clerk)

(C).who cuts women s hair? (Hairdresser)

(D).who makes furniture? (Carpenter)

(E).who looks after our health? (Doctor)

(F).who makes buildings? (Engineer)

(G).who paints pictures? (Artist)

(H).who works in a library? (Librarian)

(I). who commands soldiers? (Officer)

(J).who teaches grammar in schools? (Teacher)

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