terça-feira, 29 de junho de 2010

avaliação de inglês (EJA)


NAME:.................................................... Nº ............. 4ª fase da EJA

TEACHER: SILVIA DATA: ......../........./............


1- Substitute the nouns by the subject pronouns:

a- Ann likes music. _______________________________

b- Peter works in a factory. _______________________________

c- The book costs ten dollars. _______________________________

d- Jane lives in London. _______________________________

e- Susan and I study in the afternoon. _______________________________

2- Complete with personal pronouns (subject or object).

a- Mary wants to visit ……………………. ( he – him ).

b- My mother is waiting for …………….( I – me ).

c- We are going to the cinema. Come with ……………. ( we – us ).

d- This book is for ……………… . Take …………….. ( it – you ).

e- Nature is very important for ………………, we must preserve ………….. ( it – us ).

3- Complete em inglês com o pronome objetivo:

a- Mary, come with................. ( eu ).

b- Mary loves .................... ( ele ).

c- I want to help .................. ( eles).

d- Joe, I am waiting for …………………. ( você).

e- Children, come with ……………. ( nós )

4- Underline the correct word as in the example:

Mark is (their, they) brother.

a- Blue is (me, my) favorite color.

b- (She, her) house is big.

c- Is this (you, your) coat?

d- This is Father’s car. It’s (he, his) car.

e- That is (we, our) house.

5- Complete the sentences. Use my, your, his, her, our, or their.

I have a pen. My pen is blue.

a) Kate has a pen. ………….. pen is green.

b) Jim has a pen. ………….. pen is yellow.

c) Sarah and I have pens. ………….. pens are gray.

d) Sam and Kate have pens. …………..pens are orange.

e) Ann and Alex have a baby. ………….. baby is so cute !

2 comentários:

  1. Se eu não fosse imperador, desejaria ser professor. Não conheço missão maior e mais nobre que a de dirigir as inteligências jovens e preparar os homens do futuro."
