quarta-feira, 22 de setembro de 2010

avaliaçao de ingles


NAME:.................................................... Nº ............. SÉRIE: 4ª fase

PROFª: SILVIA DATA: ......../........./............


1- Circle ten (10) professions:

The future

There are many professions. People do different things. My father is a dentist. He likes his job. “It’s important to like what you do”, my father usually says.

My mother is a nurse. She helps the doctors and takes care of people at the hospital. She likes her job too. “It’s important to like what you do”, my mom says.

My father and my mother tell me I am young to think about the future, but I am thinking about it… There are many good professions: police officer, driver, doctor, firefighter, teacher, musician, actor, artist, lawyer… Well, my parents are right. I am only 10 years old. I am not thinking about this. I am going to do my homework now!

2- Marque a 2ª coluna de acordo com a 1ª:

(a) The cook ( )cuts hair.

(b) The dentist ( ) cooks food.

(c) The policiman ( ) treats our teeth.

(d) The hairdresser ( ) teachers.

(e) The teacher ( ) makes furniture.

(f) The carpenter ( )cathers criminais.

3- Assinale a alternative certa:

a- Who works in a hospital?

( ) the doctor

( ) the sailor

( )the chemister

b- Who sells medicines?

( ) baker

( ) doctor

( ) chemist

c- Who sells bread?

( ) singer

( ) engineer

( ) baker

d- Who lives on farm?

( ) farmer

( ) farm

( ) doctor

e- Who plays football?

( ) prayer

( ) player

( ) play

4. Read the texts and answer the question below.

Nickname: Pato

Name: Alexandre Rodrigues da Silva

Birthdate: September 2, 1989

Birthplace: Pato Branco, Brazil

job: soccer player (striker)

Current club: A. C. Milan (the club

paid $22 million to have him)

1st sport: futsal (at 4 years old)

1st club: Internacional (at 11 years old)

a- What’s his name?


b- What’s his profession?


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